Friday, 28 March 2014

Belief in the Invisible.

A lot of people talk about God like they had breakfast with Him earlier in the day. "God told me..." or "God did some amazing things..." are normal Christianese. There are moments when it feels like God is closer to me than my own skin, but the vast majority of the time is that it is hard to believe in God. The tricky part is that I work for a church.

I get paid to live out my Christian life. It feels a little inauthentic at times when I preach to a crowd to believe and commit themselves when I'm having doubts of my own. At a lot of those times, I would rather be hiking up Mount Rainier, but I think it is good to be authentic. There's no need to put on a show. God has room in His kingdom for people like me. And you too I would mention. Thank God.

"And have mercy on some, who are doubting;" -- Jude 22.

"Immediately the boy's father cried out and said, "I do believe; help my unbelief." -- Mark 9:24

Even by definition, faith requires uncertainty. If we could prove the existence of God beyond the shadow of a doubt, we wouldn't need faith anymore. The Bible teaches that there will be a day where we won't need faith anymore, and I think I will welcome that day with open arms, but until then, have a bit of mercy on me.

-- Travis.