Sunday, 25 September 2011

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Book Review

My history professor said, "If I could require everyone on this campus to buy and read one book this year, It would be Bonhoeffer by Metaxas... Bonhoeffer got it [the Christian life]!"

I put it in my book que and my wife gave it to me for our first anniversary. Praise the Lord for wives! It is the best book I've read all year. It is also the longest book I've ever read cover to cover at 500+ pages.

I've been drawn to Bonhoeffer my entire Christian life. His incredible declaration, "When Christ calls a man He bids him come and die," from The Cost of Discipleship has been quite formative in my walk with Christ.

With the amount of pages Metaxas devotes to Bonhoeffer, he goes into great depth explaining not only Bonhoeffer's noteworthy life, but the context of that life. Significant portions of the book cover things like assassination attempts on Hitler, Luther, Barth, the Theological landscape of 1930's Germany, and much more German history. Even though Metaxas does this, the book reads so smooth.

One reviewer noted, "A captivating and inspiring read from start to finish."

If you aren't familiar with Bonhoeffer (and even if you are) I highly encourage you to give this book a chance. It isn't a book for the light reader but I don't regret a single session of reading I devoted to it.

Two things that I was blown away by were Bonhoeffer's education and learning about his last 48 hours on earth. I also enjoyed the two collections of pictures from Bonhoeffer's life, many of which were taken by Metaxas himself.

"Buy it. This book could change your life." -- James N. Lane

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