Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Time With God

I heard a story about a guy who had to spend a year and a half away from his wife. He loved his wife dramatically. Each day he woke up early to write his wife a letter. After the time had passed, he eagerly flew home to find that his wife married the mail-man. 

I think that we tend to fall in love with the things we give time towards. If you aren't spending time with God then you probably aren't going to fall in love with him. When I first started trying to spend time alone with God I was told that you were supposed to be quiet and not make any movements. I spent about an hour each day upset because my heartbeat kept me from being still and everywhere I went was noisy.

About a year after struggling in this stuff, I read a book that made a simple suggestion. Before you go to bed at night, "go outside, and taste the silent night." There's not a lot of things as powerful as one person alone under the stars. 

If you have any struggle spending time with God, get outside before bed and taste the silent night. The heaven's speak louder and deeper than sound. The more you do it, the more you'll start to hear God. We tend to fall in love with that to which we devote our time.

-- Travis

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